CS Wealth Report 2016: Pakistanis 20% Richer Than Indians
Average Pakistani adult is 20% richer than an average Indian adult and the median wealth of a Pakistani adult is 120% higher than that of his or her Indian counterpart, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016. Average household wealth in Pakistan has grown 2.1% while it has declined 0.8% in India since the end of last year. Source: Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016 Here are the key statistics reported by Credit Suisse : Total Household Wealth Mid-2016 : India $3,099 billion Pakistan $524 billion Wealth per adult: India Year End 2000 Average $2,036 Median $498.00 Pakistan Year End 2000 Average $2,399 Median $1,025 India Mid-2016 Average $3,835 Median $608 Pakistan Mid-2016 Average $4,595 Median $1,788 Average wealth per adult in Pakistan is $760 more than in India or about 20% higher. Median wealth per adult in Pakistan is $1,180 more than in India or about 120% higher Inequality: Median wealth data indicates that 50% of Pakistani...