Celeberating Pakistan Resolution of 1940
As Pakistanis celebrate Pakistan Day today, March 23, 2013, there are some who are questioning the founder's wisdom in seeking partition of India to carve out Pakistan as an independent nation. They do not recognize today's Pakistan as Jinnah 's Pakistan . The doubters justifiably point to the rising tide of intolerance and increasing violence and a whole range of problems and crises Pakistan is facing. Many in the oppressed Shia community wonder aloud if it was a mistake to demand a separate country for Muslims of undivided India. Wax Statues of Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi in Islamabad Are the critics correct in their assessment when they imply that Muslims in Pakistan would have been better off without partition? To answer this question, let us look at the following facts and data: 1. Muslims, the New Untouchables in India: While India maintains its facade of religious tolerance, democracy and secularism through ...