Could Pakistan Have Become a Prosperous Democracy Like Asian Tigers By Now?
Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea experienced a dramatic rise under authoritarian regimes from 1960s through 1990s. The dictators who led these states also showed the way to fellow Asian dictators in Indonesia , Malaysia, Thailand and China who also industrialized and prospered using the same formula that rejected the Washington Consensus of democracy and free markets as the basis for development of all nations. Per Capita GDP (Constant 2000 US$) Source: World Bank East and Southeast Asia: The Asian Tigers have managed their massive growth mainly through export-driven economies that catered to the industrialized West. Each of them has built huge trade surpluses to fund their growth. These countries have invested in improving education and training to build significant human capital in a couple of decades. The improved productivity of the workforce, coupled with relatively low wages in Asia's developing economies, have resulted in enormous for...