New Net Metering Policy: Is Pakistan's Solar Boom in Jeopardy?
Recent experience in California has shown that changes in incentives have a huge impact on residential adoption of solar power technology. Since the introduction of NEM 3.0 last year, new rooftop solar business in California has dramatically slowed. New residential solar installation applications have plunged 80%, according to Cal Matters . This has driven many solar installers out of business. The business that remains is mostly focused on adding batteries to existing solar installations. Impact of California NEM 3.0 on Solar Business. Source: Cal Matters California Net Energy Metering (NEM 3.0) was launched last year after heavy lobbying by the state's utility companies like PGE and SoCal Edison. It has reduced payments for the excess power exported by the consumer to the grid by 75%. This change means that the consumer is better off with storage batteries to maximize self-consumption of the power generated by the solar panels. Companies such as Tesla Solar with its PowerWall 3