Credit Suisse: Pakistan's Wealth Inequality is the Lowest in South Asia
Data released by Credit Suisse with its Global Wealth Report 2017 shows that Pakistan is the most egalitarian nation in South Asia. It also confirms that the median wealth of Pakistani households is three times higher than that of households in India. Wealth Inequality: Inequality is measured in terms of Gini index. It ranges from 0% for perfect equality (when everyone has the same wealth) to 100% for total inequality (when all of the wealth is owned by one person). On this scale, Pakistan’s Gini index is 52.6%, Bangladesh’s 57.9%, Sri Lanka’s 66.5%, Nepal’s 67.3%, China’s 78.9% and India's 83%. Data Source: Credit Suisse Graph: Counterview Household Wealth: Here is per capita wealth data for India and Pakistan as of mid-2017, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2017 released recently. Pakistan average wealth per adult: $5,174 vs India $5,976 Pakistan median wealth per adult: $3,338 vs India $1,295 Average household wealth in Pakistan is $...