More Pakistanis Migrating to Non-English Speaking Rich Industrialized Nations
Migration data for 2016 released by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the club of rich industrialized nations of Europe, North America and East Asia, shows that a growing number of Pakistanis are migrating to its non-English Speaking member countries. Traditionally, most Pakistanis migrating to rich industrialized nations have preferred to go to English-Speaking nations. The biggest factor driving such migrations appears to be the growing labor shortages caused by aging populations and declining birth rates in OECD member nations. Migration to Non-English Speaking OECD Nations: Among the biggest non-English Speaking OECD destinations in 2016 for Pakistani migrants are Italy (14,735) , Germany (12,215), Spain (6,461), South Korea (2,724), Japan (1,486), France (1,350) and Sweden (1.211). Pakistani Migration to Non-English Speaking OECD Nations in 2016. Source: OECD Among English Speaking OECD nations, the top destination for Pakistani migrants continues t...