US BEA Explains Why US IT Import Figures 20X Lower Than India's IT Export Figures to US
Source: US Government's Bureau of Economic Affairs A GAO study showed that U.S. data on offshoring of services to India are more than 20 times smaller than India’s data. What’s the story? The GAO study showed that U.S. imports from India of business, professional, and technical (BPT) services as published by BEA are substantially lower than India’s data on exports of BPT services to the U.S. (chart 1, left panel). 1 However, when adjusted to a similar conceptual basis using information from the GAO report, the difference is actually quite small (chart 1, center panel). The large gap between the U.S. and Indian data mainly reflects differences in how BEA and India define BPT services. BEA data are consistent with international standards for balance of payments accounting; India’s data, which are based on data from an Indian trade association, do not conform to international standards. In fact, a 2005 study published by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) sho...