Brand Finance 2018: Brand Pakistan Value Rises 15%

Pakistan's brand value has jumped 15% to $196 billion in 2018, up from $171 billion in 2017, according to Brand Finance's Nations Brands Report 2018. The report ranks Pakistan at 51 among 100 nations ranked. It gives Pakistan an A brand rating on a scale from AAA+ to CCC-.

It is remarkable that Pakistan's brand value has increased by double digits and the country still ranks smack in the middle of the 100 nations ranked in spite of a concerted western and Indian media campaign to destroy its image.

Top 100 Most Valuable Nation Brands. Source: Brand Finance

The brand value of a country is an attempt to quantify its national image in the global marketplace. It encourages inward investment, adds value to exports, and attracts foreign tourists, according to the report.

Pakistan ranks ahead of 49 countries including Hungary, Slovakia, Egypt, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Iceland and Cyprus. Among South Asian nations, Pakistan (51) ranks behind India (9) and Bangladesh (39) but ahead of Sri Lanka (61) and Myanmar (73).

The United States tops the list with a brand value of nearly $26 trillion followed by China in second place with a brand value of nearly $13 trillion. Germany ranks 3rd, United Kingdom 4th, Japan 5th, France 6th, Canada 7th, Italy 8th, India 9th and South Korea10th round off the top 10.

Pakistan's brand value has jumped 15% to $196 billion in 2018, up from $171 billion in 2017, according to Brand Finance's Nations Brands Report 2018. The report ranks Pakistan at 51 among 100 nations ranked. It gives Pakistan an A brand rating on a scale from AAA+ to CCC-.  It is remarkable that Pakistan's brand value has increased by double digits and the country still ranks smack in the middle of the 100 nations ranked in spite of a concerted western and Indian media campaign to destroy its image.

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