IRI Pakistan Poll Shows Strong Public Approval For PTI Government

A combined 57% of respondents say that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is doing either a “very good job” (17%) or a “good job” (40%) so far, according to a nationwide poll conducted by International Republican Institute (IRI). It represents the first independent public opinion poll in Pakistan on PTI's popularity since the party won the 2018 general elections.  Overwhelming majority  (84%) say that the election results are either “very accurate” (46%) or “somewhat accurate” (38%). A combined 83% believe that the election was either “completely free and fair” (50%) or “mostly free and fair” (33%).

IRI Pakistan Poll Results. Source: IRI

Imran Khan's Strong Approval:

Majority of Pakistanis (57%) believe Prime Minister Imran Khan's government is doing either a “very good job” (17%) or a “good job” (40%) so far, according to an IRI survey conducted on behalf of the Center for Insights in Survey Research. Data was collected between November 1 and November 22, 2018 through in-home, in-person interviews. The sample consisted of 3,991 respondents aged 18 and older and is representative of voting-age adults nationally. The margin of error was 1.6%.

A combined 56% approve of the PTI government. A plurality of respondents (40%) said that they are willing to give the government time to deliver on campaign promises.

“The survey suggests that the government’s performance will be judged primarily on its ability to address pressing economic concerns,” said Johanna Kao. Inflation was singled out as the most important problem in Pakistan (39%), followed by poverty (18%) and unemployment (15%).  Nearly 77% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 35 see the lack of jobs as the biggest challenge facing young people in Pakistan.

IRI Pakistan Poll Results. Source: IRI
Confidence in 2018 Election Results:

The poll also indicates high levels of confidence in the results of the July 2018 national elections. A clear majority (84%) say that the election results are either “very accurate” (46%) or “somewhat accurate” (38%). A combined 83% believe that the election was either “completely free and fair” (50%) or “mostly free and fair” (33%).


The first independent poll conducted by an international organization shows that the majority (84%) of Pakistanis have confidence in the 2018 elections that resulted in PTI's victory and put Prime Minister Imran Khan in the nation's top elected office. Majority (57%) say that the new government is doing either a “very good job” (17%) or a “good job” (40%) so far.

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Riaz Haq said…
A Confident #Pakistan Army Recalibrates the Country’s Regional Policies. #ImranKhanPrimeMinister and #PakistanArmy on the same page on policies toward #India , #Afghanistan, #Iran, #China, #UnitedStates and #SaudiArabia | RUSI

Pakistan and India have just stepped back from the brink of an all-out war; Prime Minister Imran Khan has passed his first big foreign policy test after six months in office. Behind the scenes, however, he was helped by Pakistan’s military, who had set the scene for the country’s regional diplomacy, and the efforts go back almost two years, as indicated by Pakistan Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa’s speech at RUSI in 2017.

Bajwa made overtures to India well before Imran Khan’s election, and set about fixing what was seen as a ‘black hole’ in Pakistan’s foreign diplomacy, given the absence of a foreign minister for four years in the previous government. Prior to Khan coming into power in August 2018, Bajwa had also set things right with key allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). And, most significantly, Bajwa moved quickly to reassure China of Islamabad’s unwavering commitment to the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) relationship after a less than certain start by the Khan government’s commitment to Beijing. This includes the potentially contentious involvement of Saudi Arabia given tensions with Iran on the border as well as remarks by Khan’s ministers about renegotiating certain CPEC projects.

That the Beijing–Islamabad axis would ever be in doubt was itself remarkable given its importance to Pakistan. Still, that danger existed, and the uncertainty was removed: during General Bajwa’s September three-day China visit, Zhang Youxia, the deputy chairman of China’s powerful Central Military Commission, said that ‘military ties are an important backbone of relations between the two countries’.


Similarly on the Middle Eastern front, Bajwa made the rounds throughout 2018 to further bolster ties with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar. While previously it could be argued that Pakistan could take sides in the Middle East, under Bajwa’s leadership the Pakistan Army steered clear of the current political crisis which divides the Gulf. While giving full support to safeguard Saudi sovereignty, Pakistan also committed to helping Qatar by providing the all-important security for the 2022 football World Cup, which Qatar will be hosting. The Qataris and Pakistanis also stepped up support for the Afghan regional dialogue. And while strengthening ties with all the Gulf countries, Bajwa also became the first Pakistan Army chief to make an official trip to Tehran in two decades, laying the groundwork for better relations with Iran.

Riaz Haq said…
#Pakistan (rank 67) much happier country than India (rank 140) in 2019, says UN report. Pakistan climbs 8 places while India drops 7 places from last year | World | | #worldhappinessreport

Pakistan has once again left behind India and other South Asian nations on the list of the world’s happiest countries Pakistan has showed much improvement, going up to 67th from the 75th rank last year the report warned that world happiness has declined in recent years driven by a sustained fall in India, which this year ranked in 140th place

Pakistan has once again left behind India and other South Asian nations on the list of the world’s happiest countries, according to the United Nations report released here on Wednesday.

The United Nations published the report on the happiest countries on the eve of the International Happiness Day which is celebrated on March 20 every year.

Pakistan has showed much improvement, going up to 67th from the 75th rank last year while the report warned that world happiness has declined in recent years, driven by a sustained fall in India, which this year ranked in 140th place.

Finland ranked as the world´s happiest country for the second year running while war-torn South Sudan sank to the least contented in The Nordic nation of 5.5 million people, known for their love of forests, lakes and saunas, topped the study which used survey data asking citizens in 156 countries how happy they perceive themselves to be, as well as measures such as life expectancy, income and social support.

The other Nordic countries, as well as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand and Austria also made the top ten.

As well as performing well on all the indicators, the most content countries all tended to have very stable societies, with happiness levels changing comparatively little since 2005.

Despite the political turmoil brought by Brexit, Britain rose four places in the rankings to 15th.

The United States, meanwhile, continued its slide of recent years, dropping one spot to 19th place.

"This year´s report provides sobering evidence of how addictions are causing considerable unhappiness and depression in the US," said professor Jeffrey Sachs, one of the report´s authors.

The unhappiest nation was South Sudan, where the UN recently said 60 percent of people face food insecurity following a bloody civil war which has claimed the lives of an estimated 400,000 people.

Other conflict-ridden countries, such as Yemen, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic, also featured at the bottom of the table.

This has coincided with a rise in negative feelings, "comprising worry, sadness and anger, especially marked in Asia and Africa, and more recently elsewhere," it said.

This year´s publication also looked at how countries have performed in the happiness rankings since 2005.

Of the 20 largest gainers, half are in Central and Eastern Europe, five are in sub-Saharan Africa, and three in Latin America.

The five largest declines since 2005 were in Yemen, India, Syria, Botswana and Venezuela.
Riaz Haq said…
Among the 20 top gainers, all of which showed average ladder scores increasing by more than 0.7 points, 10 are in the Commonwealth of Independent States or Central and Eastern Europe, five are in Sub-Saharan Africa, and three in Latin America. The other two are Pakistan and the Philippines. Among the 20 largest losers, all of which show ladder reductions exceeding about 0.5 points, seven are in the Middle East and North Africa, six in Sub-Saharan Africa, three in Western Europe, with the remaining significant losers being Venezuela, India, Malaysia and Ukraine.

World Happiness Report 2019
MARCH 20, 2019
The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. This year’s World Happiness Report focuses on happiness and the community: how happiness has evolved over the past dozen years, with a focus on the technologies, social norms, conflicts and government policies that have driven those changes.
Riaz Haq said…
Unlike the Pakistani political class, the Pakistani military is much more representative of the average people in the country. Here are a couple of excerpts of Anatol Lieven's book "Pakistan: A Hard Country" on this subject:

"The middle class composition of the officer corps increases contempt for the "feudal" political class. The army sees itself as superior to this class and far more modern, progressive and better educated."

"According to Shuja Nawaz, who obtained internal army documents, 65 percent of the military by 1990 was made up of people from Punjab, 14 percent of people from NWFP and FATA, 15 per cent from Sindh and Balochistan, and 6 per cent from Kashmir (reflecting large number of paramilitary units along the Line of Control."

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